Observation: A shower is a much tinier room than a person would normally be comfortable being in

Theory: We could build much smaller and more efficient homes if we had them constantly spray hot water on the occupant

#great ideas

Vacation Photos

a tall brick building silhouetted against a bright sun in a cloudy sky

Here's my favourite photos I've taken on my trip so far. More on the blog.


I’m liking feeder as a feed reader

But what the fuck do its badges even mean?! I have a little 20 by the unread and there are 7 items

Uh, this is specifically the iOS app. the site just gives a normal number

#feeder #rss

Discovery through photography

I'm currently sorting through photos I took while sitting at the airport and a thing I appreciate is that both the taking of the photos and the tagging them aid in learning things about the world around me.

When I'm out and about I'm looking for new and interesting things to photograph or new ways of looking at familiar things. Then, later, when I'm home, there's learning in trying to find the name of a new flower I saw, or trying to track down where I saw a cool building or the name of an interesting sculpture


I should write a novel about a depressed middle aged guy who's an English professor in a loveless marriage having a torrid affair with his stunningly attractive undergraduate student. like I just think it would be really funny for a polyamorous lesbian with a terrific wife to write one of those books

β€” Natalie | (updated )

A universal truth

All movies are about making movies. All literature is about a middle aged teacher having an affair with a grad student

#facts about the arts


Travel between the US and Canada is common (I've been known to do it myself) and as a consequence of that, the US has their own customs agents at many (all?) Canadian airports (the rest of the security people for travel to the US might even be TSA? I don't remember off-hand). A consequence of this is that many Canadian Airports end up having two sections: US and Domestic/International. Accidentally stumbling into the truth about the US's place in the Canadian psyche

#airport thoughtz

A thousand tiny mirrors

Each of the little divots in the rumble strip along the highway is full of water reflecting the morning sun

Wandering a forest in the gentle rain

Spent the morning walking through a forest. It was nice

i'm having a good time on my trip


bugs (ambiguated)

They should make a chunnel

From London, Ontario to Paris, Texas

#Good ideas

tonight i'm getting really into wikipedia disambiguation pages. there are all these things that are called the same thing and yet they aren't the same thing... wow


wikipedia should add ambiguation pages

they should combine together multiple entries into one page and it's up to you to decide if and how these topics overlap



Ok, if li and casey are posting their roadmaps, here's mine:

  • Make the image link absolute so it isn't broken in feed readers. I just noticed this and I'm not fixing it at midnight. This would also make the images not broken when I look at drafts (that's right, I've had drafts for a while)
  • Add support for other attachment types
  • What if I actually had a parser for the post editor so I could write markdown
  • Adding an avatar both for myself and for posts I reply to
  • User links for posts I reply to
  • Add support for re-importing posts from other sites (I can manually edit them at least)
  • A specific CSS rounded corner that's broken for replies
  • Add a comment (mailto) link and maybe a comment post type that can appear in the feed
  • A bunch of boring behind-the-scenes cleanup
Do you have any plans to release this so others can use it?

Nope. Just for me

#dev #meta


a waxing gibbous moon against a pale blue sky

I added support for image attachments

New Waypoint

kind of blowing up my spot for when I announce I've bought the name 'cohost'

Wow, casey can publish audio and audio posts

They’re way ahead of me. It's not a race or a competition but I am losing

#dev #meta #the bcj of topposts.net

genuinely pretty wild

kind of wild how anything I don't personally care about or have to deal with just doesn't exist

#plane thoughts

Fired on my first day as a travelling saffron seller

After video surfaced of me calling variety the spice of life back in 2017

In the Airport Security Line

guy in front of me: This is going so slow, they should open up another security line

me, wisely: I guess you've never heard of induced demand, huh

New Photos (maybe not for you)

I wasn't planning on posting photos today but there was a hawk (I think a Cooper's Hawk) in a tree in my yard eating another bird so I had to take a few photos. I wouldn't say the photos are especially gory but they are photos of a bird being dismembered.

If you want to see the only photo in the set that isn't gory, here's some salsify growing in my yard:

#gore #photography


I'll add an actual comment option at some point (i.e., a mailto: link like I do for some of my other sites and like several people have done for their new post sites) but feel free to just send comments using the ask link. If you want to be pseudonymous let me know.

How will comments appear? Will comments appear?

It will probably depend on the comment. I might turn it into an ask/post. I might reply to your email (what I originally planned to do for that last one). Or I might just sort of nod at it and think wow, they're so right for saying that.

Probably I'll either make it so the word asks in the ask format can be says or some other intransitive verb. Maybe I'll make it a new post type so it can appear in the feed but have the external post styling like the ones I import to reply to.

#dev #meta

An Annoying thing about feed readers

I've put some effort into making my site look as close to not bad as I know and to make things from friends I reply to look distinct and then feedbin just presents it as largely-unstyled text. Hmm, I guess technically my own feed is probably missing most of that styling now that I think about it

My friends have spent time making their pages look actually good and then unless I click through I don't get to see that.

I guess I could consider a deeper look at alternative feed readers

Seth asks:
same, yeah, mood. My reader, Feeder for android, lets me choose how posts open both as a default setting and with a per-feed override and I've landed on an embeded browser window (it calls it a

Huh, why did I rule out Feeder when I first looked at it? This is exactly what I want. I don't love that it needs an extension to do this on desktop but it is exactly what I want and they don't mention AI anywhere. I guess I'll quickly try this out before my Feedbin trial expires


Manteca (self-titled)

This was one of those lucky thrift store finds - I'm pretty sure it cost me a quarter. Manteca are a Canadian fusion jazz album with a very latin-infused sound, and this album's a very fun listen.

#canadian jazz #fusion jazz #jazz

Mid-Afternoon Music

I'm not stealing Misty's thing. This is a different time of day.

Anyway, there's a new Jeff Parker album next month and it isn't a solo one. Cool!


Surge Pricing rules

Has there been a disaster that limits supply? Let's make sure that supply is only available to the people likely to be least impacted by that disaster

We all know that eggs are nature's legs

But it time to admit that soup truly is nature's goop?

#eggs #questions

Giant Structure

We should build a structure that is so unimaginably large that to gaze upon it is drive yourself mad contemplating its scale. Obviously you won't be able to take it all in at once but like viewing a human by way of a single blood cell.

#good ideas #how to support the local economy

Enchanted Swords

Enchanted swords are such a goofy idea. I would get so incredibly killed by a run-of-the-mill non-magic sword. No need to was magic on it

Uh, the enchantment could make it lighter or unbreakable or whatever?

A waste of time and effort. I'm not budging on this one

#sword talk

The Trick

Casey says:

now bcj is reblogging things too and I haven't implemented h-entry support yet!

The trick is kind of a two-fer:

  • I was procrastinating on things that were much more important for me to do
  • Since I have no ambitions of releasing this as a general tool, I can rush out functionality in real janky ways. E.g., why isn't this post a reply? Because my thing would completely butcher your post and I have no way of previewing that in advance and while I can edit my own posts I have no way to edit imported ones short of manually modifying a row in a database (this is also why my other reply to you incorrectly has a title right now)

posting was invented so i could say things like "plopcorn" and the homies roll up like "you're right" and "so true" 😌😌😌

#the art of posting

guy who calls the first person they interact with in any personal anecdote β€œthe questgiver”

#make up a guy
β€” @topghost | (updated )

The first person you interact with in a personal anecdote

that person is also the anecdote's qualtagh

β€” bcj | (updated )

Question time

bcj asks:
Hey, how'd that site redesign you were working on go?

I think it went alright? Most of the changes were things like "make the posting interface nicer" or "it's probably going to be an increasingly bad idea to have my server rerender each post several times every time I make a new one" but there should be a little new functionality as well. Let me know if I broke the feeds terribly or something

#hey bcj #meta


well I definitely just dumped a bunch of things into people's feeds because I switched the id I was using for feed entries.

Sorry about that. I remembered to keep the old IDs for post URIs so links wouldn't break but forgot I would also need to keep old IDs for atom/rss if I didn't want to spam


Speedlunky Continues

Didn't get my updates to this site done today but I did finally get a new time in the No Gold category in Spelunky 2. This one is a good 50 seconds better than my previous time (which was, bizarrely, the first teleporter run I ever completed). By ranking, this is my best category by far now as I am 68th on Mossranking.


It's Soup Weekend/Slow Posting Updates Weekend

It's the weekend where I make soup and also a bunch of bigger changes to my posting site to make future development easier

#development #food #meta

There should be a wretched little goblin

Just something I think we should have

#things there should be

As I slowly update my own wretched little posting website

Wow, I hope Casey gets a version of Octobug out soon so more people start posting again. Not trying to rush them, they're going to release it when it's good and ready but also there's a reason there's is top posts and mine is merely posts now.

Cool New Firefox Feature

Firefox somehow broke my ability to access my torrent client's web client? When I try to access it in firefox, I get an "Unable to Connect to Client" message. It doesn't work if I use that computer's network name or if I use its IP address. Both work fine in Safari and using curl. It also gives the same error if I try to access my nginx server over HTTP (I haven't confirm if HTTPS works with those addresses because I don't want to go through the hassle of setting up a self-signed certificate).

I thought it was that Firefox has blocked HTTP or something but I have 'https-only' mode turned off in the settings and also I can connect to my router via http.

Now, I can hear you already:

The new version of macOS makes access to devices on a local network a permission you need to grant.

I'm aware. I already had given Firefox access for this specific use case. It worked until I updated Firefox. I tried turning that permission off and on again in case it was somehow causing it but Firefox actually gives a completely different error when the setting is off ("Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.").

Anyway, if you know how I can fix this I guess let me know.

EDIT: What the hell it works again as of this morning. I did not do anything to either computer between now and then. Neither computer was restarted. Firefox has remained open

β€” bcj | (updated )

A Horrifying Possibility

I was talking with my buddy Mark yesterday and he put forward a sort of horrifying possibility: A DNS issue.

I'm running Firefox's beta build and it sounds like they are starting to trial their DNS over HTTPS scheme in Canada. I had thought I had preemptively turned the setting off but it's default setting is to conditionally use it.


Guy Who has Seen Several Movies

"This movie reminds me of several other movies"

#making up a guy #movies


This is everything I wanted it to be and more. I'm so glad Aanand primed me by saying:

Francis Ford Coppola is so concerned about humanity he has to sink one hundred and eighty of his very own millions into making a Southland Tales about it

Simultaneously, this movie is:

  • a disaster
  • a masterpiece
  • a showcase of how movies can be so much more
  • a cautionary of the importance of editing
  • very clear in its metaphor and symbolism
  • confused in its own messaging
  • deeply concerning in its own messaging

See it in theatres if you can


500 error

my server tried to stop me from posting that. Was it because I was onto something or because I started downloading movies last night and ran so out of space that it couldn't create a single post. Who can say?


Films are basically movies

And to me that's what makes it the cinema

#talkies, #i haven't implemented tags

#i have implemented tags (kind of) #movies


I added the ability to edit posts but not yet to delete them so I'm repurposing this one.

I'm going to try to make at least one update to this thing every day until it's nice to use and easier to interact with others

#dev #meta
β€” bcj | (updated )

li asks:

any fans of coffee out there?

Oh hey, I like coffee. Right now I'm drinking some cold brew that is over-extracted. I made cold brew yesterday and not all of it fit in my carafe so this is the remains that were still had the grounds submerged in them

#asks #coffee
β€” bcj | (updated )

Goals for this site/post Cohost

On a technical level:

  • Make this not miserable to use (I am handwriting this list that will hopefully render correctly)
  • Add functionality like embedding things
  • Make sure these posts all have the right metadata

On a non-technical level:

  • Make this not feel like I am whispering into a void. Make this feel like I can talk to people
  • Make this feel like I can talk to people who are not programmers
  • Work out how I can find other people out there that I don't already know

#dev #meta
older posts