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I had been having trouble identifying a tree growing along the Seine and I was annoyed that I couldn't identify it because it was distinct and also because I even had found English-language articles about "trees growing along the Seine". It was confusing me because the leaves looked like maple leaves but it had almost-mossy round conker-like seedpods. This confounded me because it would be impossible to mistake maple trees wing-like seed pods with conkers and it would be equally impossible to mix a chestnut leaf for a maple leaf. [ed: It's revealed in the next paragraph. Pause here if you want to guess]

I had been busy the last few days so I hadn't looked into it further but this morning before work I was trying to confirm that a seed pod in a separate photo was a datura plant (I'm all but sure because the pod and leaves both look correct in shape but I'm used to the pod hanging down and this one is facing upwards. I wish there was a flower) and I accidentally stumbled upon the right answer for the tree. It's an oriental plane (platanus orientalis, sycamore is a North American tree in the platanus genus)! I still don't know about two different purple flowers I saw growing wild so get ready to tell me what they are whenever the full set gets posted.

Anyway, I'm unsure why I thought I'd be done this early this week and am even less sure why I publicly posted it. Optimism aside, there's no reason to set a date on a personal thing unless it's explicitly to force me to finish it. It's a thing I'd like to do less. I'm sure some of you are excited to see those photos but it will be fine if you see them next week or next month (Wait, next month is actually earlier than next week. Fucked up).

#photography #plant identification #promises