There should be a wretched little goblin

Just something I think we should have

#things there should be

As I slowly update my own wretched little posting website

Wow, I hope Casey gets a version of Octobug out soon so more people start posting again. Not trying to rush them, they're going to release it when it's good and ready but also there's a reason there's is top posts and mine is merely posts now.

Cool New Firefox Feature

Firefox somehow broke my ability to access my torrent client's web client? When I try to access it in firefox, I get an "Unable to Connect to Client" message. It doesn't work if I use that computer's network name or if I use its IP address. Both work fine in Safari and using curl. It also gives the same error if I try to access my nginx server over HTTP (I haven't confirm if HTTPS works with those addresses because I don't want to go through the hassle of setting up a self-signed certificate).

I thought it was that Firefox has blocked HTTP or something but I have 'https-only' mode turned off in the settings and also I can connect to my router via http.

Now, I can hear you already:

The new version of macOS makes access to devices on a local network a permission you need to grant.

I'm aware. I already had given Firefox access for this specific use case. It worked until I updated Firefox. I tried turning that permission off and on again in case it was somehow causing it but Firefox actually gives a completely different error when the setting is off ("Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.").

Anyway, if you know how I can fix this I guess let me know.

EDIT: What the hell it works again as of this morning. I did not do anything to either computer between now and then. Neither computer was restarted. Firefox has remained open

bcj | (updated )

A Horrifying Possibility

I was talking with my buddy Mark yesterday and he put forward a sort of horrifying possibility: A DNS issue.

I'm running Firefox's beta build and it sounds like they are starting to trial their DNS over HTTPS scheme in Canada. I had thought I had preemptively turned the setting off but it's default setting is to conditionally use it.


Guy Who has Seen Several Movies

"This movie reminds me of several other movies"

#movies #making up a guy


This is everything I wanted it to be and more. I'm so glad Aanand primed me by saying:

Francis Ford Coppola is so concerned about humanity he has to sink one hundred and eighty of his very own millions into making a Southland Tales about it

Simultaneously, this movie is:

  • a disaster
  • a masterpiece
  • a showcase of how movies can be so much more
  • a cautionary of the importance of editing
  • very clear in its metaphor and symbolism
  • confused in its own messaging
  • deeply concerning in its own messaging

See it in theatres if you can


500 error

my server tried to stop me from posting that. Was it because I was onto something or because I started downloading movies last night and ran so out of space that it couldn't create a single post. Who can say?


Films are basically movies

And to me that's what makes it the cinema

#talkies, #i haven't implemented tags

#movies #i have implemented tags (kind of)


I added the ability to edit posts but not yet to delete them so I'm repurposing this one.

I'm going to try to make at least one update to this thing every day until it's nice to use and easier to interact with others

#meta #dev
bcj | (updated )

li asks:

any fans of coffee out there?

Oh hey, I like coffee. Right now I'm drinking some cold brew that is over-extracted. I made cold brew yesterday and not all of it fit in my carafe so this is the remains that were still had the grounds submerged in them

#asks #coffee
bcj | (updated )

Goals for this site/post Cohost

On a technical level:

  • Make this not miserable to use (I am handwriting this list that will hopefully render correctly)
  • Add functionality like embedding things
  • Make sure these posts all have the right metadata

On a non-technical level:

  • Make this not feel like I am whispering into a void. Make this feel like I can talk to people
  • Make this feel like I can talk to people who are not programmers
  • Work out how I can find other people out there that I don't already know

#meta #dev

It's like adjusting the tracking on a vcr

A fun thing to do when using a zoom lens on a camera is shifting the fine focus and watching the in-focus line move up and down. If you have a textured but fairly uniform surface like a field of grass or the rough concrete of a sidewalk it's kind of wild because it feels like the stuff in focus is a different colour even


Can I post from my phone?


#meta #dev

Maybe sooner than you think

Because I had to confirm I fixed a bug

#meta #dev

Welcome to my website

It has one post. One day it may have one more
