I realized I don't really have a blog?
I feel like this site doesn't really count (though maybe I'll do some thinking about how I'm using it in the new year).
I started to do some planning for my year in review, and I realized I don't have somewhere I want to put it. The last few years I've thrown it on cohost and that seemed like the right place for it. I could reshare it a time or two and then it would fade away. It's not really something I need or want to be permanent.
Which is all to say, I added a sort of not-quite-blog to one gross online. Just a place to throw a few paragraphs of text. I've got some idle thoughts about Spelunky 2 there now. Whenever I have something new to say, I'll just write over it. It's like they always say, a cool URL is one that never changes. The logical conclusion is to keep it the same even as the content does. On the first I'll put up my ear in review. Maybe before then I'll have something else to say. Watch this space (or watch that one? [Watch neither and let your feed reader handle it for you?]). If anything there is worth keeping around I'll find a place for it.
I guess I did just write more text here to explain that I wanted a place to throw a few paragraphs of text. Best not to worry about it.